Thursday, 28 April 2011

Death Knight 4.1 tanking specs

4.1 is here and it is time to talk about tanking specs. Given not many of the Death Knight talents changed, they are basically the same as for 4.0.6, discussed in this post here. One thing of note that I read on is that because interrupts are now unmissable, expect to see encounters relying on interrupts a lot more in the future. Which means for 5 mans, the spec with Endless Winter is likely to be very useful, and I shall definitely be using that one.

One other thing is don't forget you have a combat res now! Raise Ally was redesigned to be a combat res, costing 50 RP. If someone goes down and you have the time, pop it on them. It is an instant, so could even be cast while tanking. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to glyph it to return the player with 100% health, unlike the Druid combat res which has precisely such a glyph. Even Warlocks, who also get a combat res in 4.1, get a glyph which increases the ressed player's health to 70%. By comparison, ours only gives the player 20% health, which is poor. Please to be giving a glyph kthxbai!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

It's all true! 75 silver cut common gems

In a shock move, the data mined information that cut common Cataclysm gems would sell for 75 silver, instead of 9 gold, turns out to be true!

Most shocking is that the data was true, but also the end of the Ore shuffle is in sight! Well, okay, maybe not, but those useless Alicites I used to vendor will now need to be converted into something else, maybe some dust via the Alicite Pendant.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

New Heroics bring... every gear you need

WoW, WoW Insider have a post up which details the gear coming from the new Troll heroics in patch 4.1, and it looks like pretty much every slot has something to grab for. There is no trinkets or relics, but then there is always the Miniature Voodoo Mask which summons voodoo gnomes! That is cool, and will certainly never get old.

The only fly in the ointment is these instances are heroic only, and there is apparently a higher than 329 average item level needed to queue for them. I am not sure what that is, it might be something close to 346 so you have to gear up in normals and heroics first before being able to get in. Plus, I'm sure the instances will not be easy, so those new epics will be hard-won.