Now is the time to take a look at gear from the new raiding Tier. This is from raid bosses, BoE drops from farming trash and thus the auction house, Avengers reputation from farming trash yourself, valor points from farming heroics, and Hyjal dailies rewards. Plus some crafted stuff.
Firelands and Hyjal dailies unlock various item level 365 stuff, which is a mere 6 point upgrade over Tier 11 i359 stuff, but an upgrade nevertheless. If you never raided, this stuff is solid gold and a big bump over 346 heroic items. My plan is to take everything!
Getting to the Molten Front
Fireheart Necklace
Pyrelord Greaves
Vendor (Additional Armaments):
Meteorite Ring
Ricket's Gun Show
Rickety Belt
Vendor (Filling the Moonwell):
Moon Blessed Band
Moonwell Phial
Vendor (Calling the Ancients):
Nemesis Shell Band
Lygar Horn Ring
Dwyer's Caber
Relic of Lo'Gosh
Relic of Tortolla
So I'll be unlocking the Calling the Ancients vendor first, purely because they sell the most items.
BoE trash drops
Bored? Join a trash run for reputation and a crack at some BoE drops. Rich? Head on over to the Auction House or trade channel for the chance at some expensive BoE epics.
Scales of Life
Heaving Pauldrons of Protection
Apparatus of Khaz'goroth
Obsidian Cleaver
It is definitely worth doing some trash farming, for BoEs and the reputation items.
Avengers reputation
While running that Firelands raid trash, you can haz Honoured reputation with The Avengers of Hyjal. But no more, unless you can kill bosses. No sign of Emma Peel either, which is a shame.
Friendly: Bladed Flamewrath Cloak
Friendly: Durable Flamewrath Greatcloak
Honoured: Cinch of the Flaming Ember
Honoured: Girdle of the Indomitable Flame
Revered: Essence of the Eternal Flame
Revered: Stay of Execution
Exalted: Adamantine Signet of the Avengers
Exalted: Obsidian Signet of the Avengers
Valor points
Not killing bosses? Don't let that get you down, just grind 7 heroics into the dust for Valor points! Then die lots in the new, long and quite tricky Zul'* heroics!
Chest (2200 VP): Elementium Deathplate Breastplate
Chest (2200 VP): Elementium Deathplate Chestguard
Gloves (1650 VP): Elementium Deathplate Gauntlets
Gloves (1650 VP): Elementium Deathplate Handguards
Legs (2200 VP): Elementium Deathplate Greaves
Legs (2200 VP): Elementium Deathplate Legguards
Neck (1250 VP): Stoneheart Choker
Neck (1250 VP): Stoneheart Necklace
Ring (1250 VP): Deflecting Brimstone Band
Ring (1250 VP): Serrated Brimstone Signet
Relic (700 VP): Deathclutch Figurine
Relic (700 VP): Relic of the Elemental Lords
Bracers (1250 VP): Bracers of Regal Force
Wrist (1250 VP): Gigantiform Bracers
Neither the Tier 12 head nor the shoulders can be bought with Valor Points, you need a token from Ragnaros and Staghelm respectively. The Legs and Gloves could drop from the new boss in Baradin Hold, Occu'thar. The bracers are BoE, so they could be gotten from the AH eventually (at great cost).
Patterns for the crafted items drop from trash in Firelands.
Feet: Mirrored Boots
Feet: Warboots of Mighty Lords
Hands: Fists of Fury
Hands: Eternal Elementium Handguards
Patterns from the vendor from the Firelands dailies:
One Hand weapon: Elementium Edged Scalper
2 Handed weapon: Masterwork Elementium Deathblade
Boss drops
The least likely thing to get, at the moment for our guild, is the boss drops. Mostly because a boss has to drop dead before we get a chance at their shinies.
Wrist: Earthcrack Bracers (Lord Rhyolith)
Hands: Fireskin Gauntlets (Lord Rhyolith)
Ring: Alysrazor's Band (Alysrazor)
Wrist: Bracers of the Fiery Path (Staghelm)
Chest: Breastplate of Shifting Visions (Staghelm)
Chest: Carapace of Imbibed Flame (Beth'tilac)
Feet: Cracked Obsidian Stompers (Lord Rhyolith)
Bracers: Earthcrack Bracers (Lord Rhyolith)
Hands: Fireskin Gauntlets (Lord Rhyolith)
Hands: Flickering Handguards (Baelroc)
Helm: Greathelm of the Voracious Maw (Alysrazor)
Helm: Helm of Blazing Glory (Baelroc)
Helm: Helm of the Fiery Vanquisher (Ragnaros) (Tier 12)
Legs: Lavaworm Legplates (Alysrazor)
Legs: Legplates of Frenzied Devotion (Shannox)
1 Handed weapon: Mantle of Beth'tilac
Shoulders: Mantle of the Fiery Vanquisher (Staghelm) (Tier 12)
Neck: Necklace of Fetishes (Shannox)
Shoulders: Pauldrons of Roaring Flame (Ragnaros)
2 Handed weapon: Skullstealer Greataxe (Shannox)
Shoulders: Spaulders of Recurring Flame (Alysrazor)
Trinket: Spidersilk Spindle (Beth'tilac)
2 Handed Weapon: Sulfuras, the Extinguished Hand (Ragnaros)
Waist: Uncrushable Belt of Fury (Shannox)
Trinket: Vessel of Acceleration (Ragnaros)
2 Handed weapon: Zoid's Firelit Greatsword (random Boss drop)
All these items are of course awesome, but given I don't raid on the DK, I won't be seeing any of them at all.
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4 days ago
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